Parents’ association of the Tourism Schools Bad Gleichenberg

We care about your concerns!

We, the parents’ association, are present during the parents’ meetings at the Tourism Schools Bad Gleichenberg. We care for the wishes and suggestions of our pupils and their parents. We would be keen to know, if there are any critical problem cases.

By that we signalise that the place where our children spent a substantial amount of their youth is very important and we also show our appreciation for this institution which besides the family home takes over an important role in the lives of our children.

The non-profit association in support of the objective of the parents and pupils

Purpose of the parents’ association

The association as representative of the parents, is accessible to all parental authorities, it is independent, without religious ties, non-profit and takes account of the objectives of the educational law, decree: 30 34612 4182 regarding the participation of the parents’ representatives in the teaching and educational work of the school.

The parents’ association takes over the following tasks:

  • It represents the interests of the parents in the teaching and educational work of the school and promotes the necessary cooperation between parents and school, in particular under the constant leadership and in cooperation with the teaching staff of the school in order to appropriately promote the teaching and educational work for the pupils of the school;
  • It reconciles the pedagogical notions of the parents and the school
  • It participates in the caregiving in favour of children in need who are visiting our school


To obtain the goal of the association the following is required:

  • tight cooperation between the school management and the teaching staff via:
  • joint counselling, reporting of proposals, wishes and complaints (§ 63 clause 2 SchUG)
  • Submission of statements regarding proposals of the school council to specify the teaching material (§63 clause 3 SchUG)
  • Participation in the statutory elected panel of teachers, parents and pupils (§ 64 clause 1 SchUG)

Contacting of all organisations, offices and authorities dealing with the school via: visits, presentations of memoirs and the establishment of working communities, public relations by publications, cultural and sports events, meetings, lectures and discussions.

Board of the parents’ association of the Private Schools Bad Gleichenberg

Mag. (FH) Maria Klocker-Tieber, BEd


Mag. Susanne Högler-Klein

Deputy chairwoman

Sabine Fernsebner-Wehmeyer


Renate Kenzian-Choč


Claudia Paier-Rauch


Mag. Valentina Herk

Deputy Secretary

Sonja Skalnik


Christoph Steinmann


DI Uwe Eck

Advisory Board

Johanna Fidler-Oleschko

Advisory Board

Dr. Patricia Pfungen

Advisory Board

Mag. Sonja Liechtenstein

Advisory Board

Katharina Sampl

Advisory Board

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