Cooking exam – there is something in the air
This year again, days before the start of the first cooking exam, there was a certain electricity and tension in the air. Concentrated and focused students hurried through the corridors in their cooking and catering clothes, while they still prepared their bar and menu cards, rearranged their decorations for the big moment and repeated already learned contents or still tried to acquire the last, necessary knowledge regarding catering procedures, kitchen brigade or wine production.
And then the moment had come. According to our tradition the graduates of the hotel management school open the rounds of cooking exams before the students of the college take their turn a few days later. The last ones closing the cooking exam sessions are the students of the 4th grade of the higher institute which take the exam at the beginning of June.
In front of the eyes of their proud parents, stressed teachers and curious guests of honour, the appetizers were prepared and served and then food was served and different tasks like flambéing or the wine service were mastered confidently.
If the smile of the kitchen and service team was courageously brave and nervous at the start of the evening, in the end it was easy and relieved. All were proud of their achievements and a wonderful easiness could be noticed in the air.
The big goal of graduation has not been achieved yet, but it is already a partial victory. The students still have to continue and give their best for some more weeks and in case of the higher institute even for another school year until the big goal of the closing ceremony will be achieved and then it really gets going…