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“The Tourism Schools Bad Gleichenberg as modern, future-oriented educational campus for lifelong learning on the highest international level is a matter particularly close to our hearts, promoted by Dr. Peter Florian as curator with tireless dedication for almost 30 years now. And he does it knowing that especially the education of future generations is one of the most important responsibilities that we as society have to bear. Hence, I would like to thank him and wish him all the best and the best of health on occasion of his birthday.”
Ing. Josef Herk, president of the WKO Steiermark (Chamber of commerce)
“For many years now, I have the pleasure to travel from Graz to Bad Gleichenberg and back with our curator and it is always a very special moment. He is always concerned about the future of our school and always thinks on how we can still improve. His character makes him to be a person who encounters others from other fields with the same dignity and appreciation. He never loses sight of the point and is therefore so important for our school. It is a pleasure to work with him. All the best Peter and lots of health!”
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. Gerhard Kienzl, executive director Steirischer Hotelfachschulverein
“I am 70 only in Fahrenheit, in Celsius I am still 21. This statement by Robert A. Lutz applies exactly to our respected curator Dr. Florian with his enthusiasm and youthful vitality! The happiest days of the past year shall be the worst in the future year. All the best for your 70th birthday.”
Christian Schweinzer, president of Students and graduates association
“Dear respected curator, dear Peter,
The parent’s association wishes you all the best on occasion of your anniversary. We wish you many more years of health and happiness with unchanging energy and enthusiasm. We want to particularly outline the constructive and comprehensive cooperation with you in our school committees which was always of great help.”
Dr. Alexander Hofmann, president of the parent’s association
On occasion of your birthday I want to wish you all the best. I do not only want to wish you a happy birthday, but I also want to express my gratefulness for the 30 years we spent together. I wish you the best of health and happiness and hope that we can count on your support also in the future.
OStR. Prof. Mag. Roswitha Schick, teacher
“Dear estimated curator,
Congratulations on your great day and thank you very much for the long-lasting appreciative cooperation. I hope to go through many more terms of office with you as a curator.”
Wiltrud Schwarz, Accounting
“Dear respected curator Dr. Florian, I wish you all the best on your 70th birthday in the name of all students and pupils. We would like to thank you for your understanding of the students and pupils of the school and for supporting our requests and ideas.”
Head girl Stefanie Stenitzer
“I am working together with our curator already for a decade now. He is not only the president of our advisory board but also the driving force behind changes. He always supported our school in Bad Gleichenberg and thanks to his support we were able to change the campus sustainably. After the renovation of the buildings, our minds now started to change. His believe is: “We from Bad Gleichenberg must become the most innovative educational campus in the area of tourism. There is still a lot of work ahead of us – I am looking forward to it and will be happy to face the upcoming challenges together with our curator. In this regard I wish our curator lots of energy and first of all the best of health – ad multos annos!”
Mag. Peter Kospach, Headmaster